Raku Routines

This is a list of all built-in routines that are documented here as part of the Raku language. Use the above menu to narrow it down topically.

Name Type Description

(From Perl 5 to Raku guide - functions)

! prefix

(From Operators)

!!! listop

(From Operators)

!= infix

(From Operators)

% infix

(From Operators)

%% infix

(From Operators)

& infix

(From Operators)

&& infix

(From Operators)

&*chdir sub

(From Independent routines)

( ) term, postcircumfix

(From Operators, Operators)

(&), infix ∩ infix

(From Sets, bags, and mixes, Operators)

(+), infix ⊎ infix

(From Sets, bags, and mixes, Operators)

(-), infix ∖ infix

(From Sets, bags, and mixes, Operators)

(.), infix ⊍ infix

(From Sets, bags, and mixes, Operators)

(<), infix ⊂ infix

(From Sets, bags, and mixes, Operators)

(<=), infix ⊆ infix

(From Sets, bags, and mixes, Operators)

(>), infix ⊃ infix

(From Sets, bags, and mixes, Operators)

(>=), infix ⊇ infix

(From Sets, bags, and mixes, Operators)

(C-like) form prefix

(From Signature)

(^), infix ⊖ infix

(From Sets, bags, and mixes, Operators)

(cont), infix ∋ infix

(From Sets, bags, and mixes, Operators)

(elem), infix ∈ infix

(From Sets, bags, and mixes, Operators)

(|), infix ∪ infix

(From Sets, bags, and mixes, Operators)

* term, infix

(From Terms, Operators)

** infix

(From Operators)

+ prefix, infix

(From Operators, Operators)

+& infix

(From Operators)

++ prefix, postfix

(From Operators, Operators)

++⚛ prefix

(From atomicint)

+< infix

(From Operators)

+> infix

(From Operators)

+^ prefix, infix

(From Operators, Operators)

+| infix

(From Operators)

, infix

(From Operators)

,= postfix

(From Operators)

- prefix, infix

(From Operators, Operators)

-- prefix, postfix

(From Operators, Operators)

--⚛ prefix

(From atomicint)

. infix

(From Operators)

.. infix

(From Operators)

... infix, listop

(From Operators, Operators)

..^ infix

(From Operators)

.= infix

(From Operators)

/ infix

(From Operators)

// infix

(From Operators)

: infix

(From Operators)

::= infix

(From Operators)

:= infix

(From Operators)

< infix

(From Operators)

< > term, postcircumfix

(From Operators, Operators)

<= infix

(From Operators)

<== infix

(From Operators)

<=> infix

(From Operators, Order)

<> postcircumfix

(From Operators)

= (item assignment) infix

(From Operators)

= (list assignment) infix

(From Operators)

=:= infix

(From Operators)

== infix

(From Operators)

=== infix, method

(From Operators, Enumeration)

==> infix

(From Operators)

=> infix

(From Operators)

=~= infix

(From Operators)

> infix

(From Operators)

>= infix

(From Operators)

? prefix

(From Operators, Bool)

?& infix

(From Operators)

?? !! infix

(From Operators)

??? listop

(From Operators)

?^ prefix, infix

(From Operators, Operators)

?| infix

(From Operators)

ACCEPTS method

(From List, Code, Range, Signature, Any, Baggy, Bool, Whatever, Setty, Mu, Str, ComplexStr, Regex, Numeric, IntStr, NumStr, Pair, RatStr, Map, IO::Path)


(From Command line interface)


(From Subscripts)


(From Subscripts)

AT-KEY method

(From Subscripts, Associative)

AT-POS method

(From Subscripts, Range, Sequence, Positional)

Array method

(From Any)

BIND-KEY method

(From Subscripts)

BIND-POS method

(From Subscripts)

BUILD submethod

(From Type system)

Bag method

(From Any, Setty, MixHash, Mix)

BagHash method

(From Any, Setty, MixHash, Mix)

Baggy method

(From QuantHash)

Bool method, routine

(From List, Capture, Promise, Baggy, Junction, Setty, Mu, Str, ComplexStr, Regex, Numeric, IntStr, NumStr, StrDistance, RatStr, Match, Rational, Blob, Failure, Map)

Bridge method

(From Real)

CALL-ME method

(From Callable, Enumeration)

CREATE method

(From Mu)

Capture method

(From List, Capture, Supply, Range, Signature, Callable, Whatever, Int, Mu, Version, Num, Str, ComplexStr, Channel, RatStr, Blob, Failure, Map)

Channel method

(From Supply)

Complex method

(From ComplexStr, Real)


(From Subscripts)


(From Subscripts)

DESTROY method, submethod

(From IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

DISTROnames method

(From Raku)

Date method

(From Date, Instant, DateTime)

DateTime method

(From Date, Instant, DateTime)

EOF method

(From IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

EVAL routine

(From Independent routines, Cool)


(From Independent routines)


(From Subscripts, Associative)


(From Subscripts, Range, Sequence, Positional)


(From Nil)


(From Command line interface)

Hash method

(From Any, QuantHash)

IO method

(From Dateish, Cool, IO::Special, IO::CatHandle, IO::Pipe, IO::Path, IO::Handle)

IO::Notification.watch-path method

(From Supply)

Instant method

(From DateTime)

Int method, routine

(From List, Bool, Enumeration, Str, Numeric, IntStr, StrDistance, Match, Rational, Map, IO::Path)

KERNELnames method

(From Raku)

List method

(From Any, Slip)

MAIN sub

(From Functions, Command line interface)

Map method

(From Any)

Mix method

(From Any, Setty)

MixHash method

(From Any, Setty)

Mixy method

(From QuantHash)

NFC method

(From Str, Uni)

NFD method

(From Str, Uni)

NFKC method

(From Str, Uni)

NFKD method

(From Str, Uni)

Num method

(From Numeric, NumStr, Rational)

Numeric method, routine

(From List, Capture, Endian, Sequence, Bool, Enumeration, Thread, Str, ComplexStr, Numeric, IntStr, NumStr, StrDistance, Nil, RatStr, Map, X::AdHoc, IO::Path)

Pair method

(From Pair)

Promise method

(From Supply)

READ method

(From IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)


(From Command line interface)

Range method

(From Int, Rational)

Rat method

(From Str, Numeric, Real, RatStr)

Real method

(From Complex, Enumeration, ComplexStr, IntStr, Real, NumStr, RatStr)

SPEC method

(From IO::Path)

STORE method

(From Subscripts, Subscripts, Associative, Positional)

Set method

(From List, Any, Baggy)

SetHash method

(From Any, Baggy)

Setty method

(From QuantHash)

Slip method

(From Any)

Str method

(From Systemic, List, Code, ForeignCode, Sequence, Junction, Date, Mu, Version, Thread, ComplexStr, Backtrace, DateTime, IntStr, NumStr, Pair, StrDistance, Nil, RatStr, Match, Blob, IO::Special, IO::CatHandle, IO::Path, IO::Handle)

Stringy method

(From Sequence, Blob)

Supply method

(From Promise, Any, Supplier, Channel, Proc::Async, IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle, IO::Socket::Async)

T routine

(From Telemetry)


(From Command line interface)

VMnames method

(From Raku)

WHERE method

(From Mu)


(From Pod::Block::Declarator)

WHICH method

(From Range, Mu, IO::Special)

WHY method

(From Mu, Metamodel::Documenting)

WRITE method

(From IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

X infix

(From Operators)

Z infix

(From Operators)

[ ] circumfix, postcircumfix

(From Operators, Operators)

^ prefix, infix

(From Operators, Operators)

^.. infix

(From Operators)

^..^ infix

(From Operators)

^^ infix

(From Operators)

^ff infix

(From Operators)

^ff^ infix

(From Operators)

^fff infix

(From Operators)

^fff^ infix

(From Operators)

abs method, routine

(From Complex, Numeric, Cool)

abs2rel method

(From IO::Spec::Cygwin, IO::Spec::Unix)

absolute method

(From IO::Path)

accept method

(From IO::Socket::INET)

accessed method

(From IO::Special, IO::Path)

acos routine

(From Cool)

acosec routine

(From Cool)

acosech routine

(From Cool)

acosh routine

(From Cool)

acotan routine

(From Cool)

acotanh routine

(From Cool)

acquire method

(From Semaphore)

act method

(From Supply)

action method

(From X::Cannot::Lazy, X::TypeCheck::Splice)

actions method

(From Match)

add method

(From IO::Path)

add_attribute method

(From Metamodel::AttributeContainer)

add_enum_value method

(From Metamodel::EnumHOW)

add_fallback method

(From Metamodel::ClassHOW)

add_method method

(From Metamodel::MethodContainer)

add_parent method

(From Metamodel::EnumHOW, Metamodel::MultipleInheritance)

add_private_method method

(From Metamodel::PrivateMethodContainer)

add_role method

(From Metamodel::RoleContainer)

add_stash method

(From Metamodel::Stashing)

add_trustee method

(From Metamodel::Trusting)

addendum method

(From X::Method::NotFound)

adverb method

(From X::Syntax::Regex::Adverb)

after infix, method

(From Operators, StrDistance, X::Parameter::WrongOrder)

all method

(From Any)

allocate method

(From Blob)

allof method

(From Promise)

allowed method

(From Pod::Block::Code)

alternative-names method

(From Encoding)

and infix

(From Operators)

andthen infix

(From Operators)

annotations method

(From CallFrame)

antipair method

(From Pair)

antipairs routine, method

(From List, Capture, Any, Baggy, Setty, Pair, Map)

any method

(From Any)

anyof method

(From Promise)

api method

(From Metamodel::Versioning)

app_lifetime method

(From Thread)

append method

(From Hash, Any, Buf, Array, Nil)

arch method

(From Kernel)

archetypes method

(From Metamodel::PackageHOW)

archname method

(From Kernel)

args method

(From Proc::Async)

arity method

(From Code, Signature, ForeignCode)

asec routine

(From Cool)

asech routine

(From Cool)

asin routine

(From Cool)

asinh routine

(From Cool)

assuming method

(From Code)

ast method

(From Match)

at method

(From Promise)

atan routine

(From Cool)

atan2 routine

(From Cool)

atanh routine

(From Cool)

atomic-assign sub

(From Scalar, atomicint)

atomic-dec-fetch sub

(From atomicint)

atomic-fetch sub

(From Scalar, atomicint)

atomic-fetch-add sub

(From atomicint)

atomic-fetch-dec sub

(From atomicint)

atomic-fetch-inc sub

(From atomicint)

atomic-fetch-sub sub

(From atomicint)

atomic-inc-fetch sub

(From atomicint)

attributes method

(From Metamodel::AttributeContainer)

auth method

(From Systemic, CompUnit, Metamodel::Versioning)

await sub

(From Promise, Channel)

backtrace method

(From Exception)

bag sub

(From Bag)

bail-out sub

(From Test)

base method

(From Real)

base-repeating method

(From Rational)

basename method

(From IO::Path, IO::Spec::Unix, IO::Spec::Win32)

batch method

(From List, Supply, Any)

before infix, method

(From Operators, StrDistance)

bind-stderr method

(From Proc::Async)

bind-stdin method

(From Proc::Async)

bind-stdout method

(From Proc::Async)

bind-udp method

(From IO::Socket::Async)

bits method

(From Kernel)

bless method

(From Mu)

block method

(From X::Phaser::Multiple)

bool-only method

(From PredictiveIterator)

bounds method

(From Range)

break method

(From Promise)

broken method

(From Promise)

build-date method

(From Compiler)

but infix

(From Operators)

bytes method

(From Blob)

cache method

(From Any, PositionalBindFailover)

callframe sub

(From CallFrame)

calling-package method

(From X::Method::Private::Permission)

callsame sub

(From Functions)

callwith sub

(From Functions)

can method

(From Metamodel::ClassHOW, Metamodel::MROBasedMethodDispatch)

can-ok sub

(From Test)

cancel method

(From Cancellation)

candidates method

(From Routine, CompUnit::Repository::Installation, CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem)

cando method

(From Code, Routine)

canonpath method

(From IO::Spec::Cygwin, IO::Spec::Unix, IO::Spec::Win32, IO::Spec::QNX)

caps method

(From Match)

caption method

(From Pod::Block::Table)

capture method

(From Parameter)

cas sub

(From Scalar, atomicint)

catdir method

(From IO::Spec::Cygwin, IO::Spec::Unix, IO::Spec::Win32)

categorize routine, method

(From List, Any)

categorize-list method

(From Hash, Baggy)

catfile method

(From IO::Spec::Unix, IO::Spec::Win32)

catpath method

(From IO::Spec::Cygwin, IO::Spec::Unix, IO::Spec::Win32)

cause method

(From Promise)

ceiling method, routine

(From Complex, Real, Rational, Cool)

cglobal sub

(From Native calling interface)

changed method

(From IO::Special, IO::Path)

channel method

(From X::Channel::SendOnClosed, X::Channel::ReceiveOnClosed)

chars routine, method

(From Str, Match, Blob, Cool)

chdir sub, method

(From Independent routines, IO::Path)

child method

(From IO::Path)

child-name method

(From X::Inheritance::NotComposed)

child-typename method

(From X::Inheritance::Unsupported)

chmod sub, method

(From Independent routines, IO::Path)

chomp routine, method

(From Str, Cool, IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

chop routine

(From Str, Cool)

chr routine

(From Int, Cool)

chrs method, routine

(From Nil, Cool)

chunks method

(From Match)

cis routine

(From Cool)

classify routine, method

(From List, Any)

classify-list method

(From Hash, Baggy)

cleanup method

(From IO::Path)

clone method

(From Date, Mu, Array, DateTime, Match)

close method, routine

(From Tap, Channel, IO::Socket, IO::CatHandle, IO::Pipe, IO::Handle, IO::Socket::Async)

close-stdin method

(From Proc::Async)

closed method

(From Channel)

cmp infix

(From Operators, List, Order, ComplexStr, IntStr, NumStr, Pair, RatStr)

cmp-ok sub

(From Test)

code method

(From CallFrame, Backtrace::Frame)

codename method

(From Compiler)

codes method, routine

(From Uni, Cool)

coerce_type method

(From Parameter)

coll infix

(From Operators)

collate method

(From Any)

column method

(From X::Comp)

comb routine, method

(From Str, Cool, IO::CatHandle, IO::Path, IO::Handle)

combinations routine, method

(From List, Any)

command method

(From Proc, Proc::Async)

comment method

(From X::OutOfRange)

compiler method

(From Raku)

composalizer method

(From Metamodel::EnumHOW)

compose method

(From Metamodel::ClassHOW, Metamodel::EnumHOW)

compose_type method

(From Metamodel::Primitives)

compose_values method

(From Metamodel::EnumHOW)

composer method

(From X::Composition::NotComposable)

compute_mro method

(From Metamodel::C3MRO)

concise method

(From Backtrace)

condition method

(From Lock, X::Phaser::PrePost)

config method

(From Systemic, Pod::Block)

configure_destroy method

(From Metamodel::Primitives)

configure_type_checking method

(From Metamodel::Primitives)

conj method

(From Complex, Numeric, Cool)

connect method

(From IO::Socket::Async)

constant prefix

(From Variables)

constraints method

(From Parameter)

construct method

(From X::Syntax::Regex::Adverb)

contains method

(From Str, Cool)

content method

(From Distribution, Distribution::Hash, Distribution::Locally, Distribution::Path)

contents method

(From Pod::Block)

copy method, routine

(From Parameter, IO::Path)

cos routine

(From Cool)

cosec routine

(From Cool)

cosech routine

(From Cool)

cosh routine

(From Cool)

cotan routine

(From Cool)

cotanh routine

(From Cool)

count method

(From Code, Signature, ForeignCode)

count-only method

(From PredictiveIterator)

cpu-cores method

(From Kernel)

cpu-usage method

(From Kernel)

create_type method

(From Metamodel::Primitives)

cross routine

(From List)

cue method

(From Scheduler)

curdir method

(From IO::Spec::Unix)

curupdir method

(From IO::Spec::Unix)

d method

(From IO::Special, IO::Path)

day method

(From Dateish)

day-of-month method

(From Dateish)

day-of-week method

(From Dateish)

day-of-year method

(From Dateish)

daycount method

(From Dateish)

days-in-month method

(From Dateish)

declaration method

(From X::Declaration::Scope)

decode method

(From Blob)

decoder method

(From Encoding)

deepmap method

(From Any)

default method

(From Hash, Scalar, Baggy, Setty, Array, Parameter)

defined method, routine

(From Junction, Mu, Mu, Failure)

delayed method

(From Supply)

delete method

(From CompUnit::PrecompilationRepository)

delete-by-compiler method

(From CompUnit::PrecompilationRepository)

denominator method

(From Rational)

desc method

(From Systemic)

destroyers method

(From Metamodel::Finalization)

devnull method

(From IO::Spec::Unix, IO::Spec::Win32)

diag sub

(From Test)

did-you-mean method

(From X::NYI)

die sub

(From Exception)

dies-ok sub

(From Test)

dir routine

(From IO::Path)

dir-sep method

(From IO::Spec::Unix, IO::Spec::Win32)

dirname method

(From IO::Path)

distribution method

(From CompUnit)

div infix

(From Operators, Int)

do method

(From Supply)

does trait, infix, routine

(From Type system, Operators, Mu)

does-ok sub

(From Test)

done method, sub

(From Supplier, Independent routines)

done-testing sub

(From Test)

duckmap method

(From Any)

dynamic routine, method

(From Hash, Scalar, Array)

e term, method

(From Terms, IO::Special, IO::Path)

eager routine, method

(From List, Any, Sequence)

earlier method

(From Date, DateTime)

elems method, routine

(From Subscripts, List, Capture, Supply, Range, Any, Baggy, Setty, Array, Uni, Seq, Blob, Map, Positional, Metamodel::EnumHOW)

emit method, sub

(From Mu, Supplier, Independent routines)

enclosing method

(From X::ControlFlow)

encode method

(From Str)

encoder method

(From Encoding)

encoding method

(From IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

end routine, method

(From List, Any)

endian method

(From Kernel)

ends-with method

(From Str)

enum_from_value method

(From Metamodel::EnumHOW)

enum_value_list method

(From Metamodel::EnumHOW)

enum_values method

(From Metamodel::EnumHOW)

enums method, routine

(From Type system, Bool, Enumeration)

eof method

(From IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

eq infix

(From Operators)

eqv infix

(From Operators, ObjAt)

eval-dies-ok sub

(From Test)

eval-lives-ok sub

(From Test)

exception method

(From Failure)

excludes-max method

(From Range)

excludes-min method

(From Range)

exit sub

(From Independent routines)

exitcode method

(From Proc)

exp routine

(From Numeric, Cool)

expected method

(From X::TypeCheck)

explicitly-manage sub

(From Native calling interface)

expmod routine

(From Int)

export_callback method

(From Metamodel::EnumHOW)

extension method

(From IO::Path, IO::Spec::Unix)

f method

(From IO::Special, IO::Path)

fail method

(From Exception, Channel)

fails-like sub

(From Test)

fc routine

(From Str, Cool)

feature method

(From X::NYI)

ff infix

(From Operators)

ff^ infix

(From Operators)

fff infix

(From Operators)

fff^ infix

(From Operators)

file method

(From Code, CallFrame, Backtrace::Frame)

filename method

(From X::Comp)

files method

(From CompUnit::Repository::Installation, CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem)

find method

(From Encoding::Registry)

find_method method

(From Metamodel::MROBasedMethodDispatch)

find_method_qualified method

(From Metamodel::MROBasedMethodDispatch)

finish method

(From Thread)

first routine, method

(From List, Any)

flat method, sub

(From Iterable, Supply, Range, Any, Independent routines, Backtrace)

flatmap method

(From List, Any)

flip routine

(From Str, Cool)

floor method, routine

(From Complex, Real, Rational, Cool)

flunk sub

(From Test)

flush method

(From IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

flush_cache method

(From Metamodel::Mixins)

fmt method

(From List, Range, Sequence, Pair, Cool)

format method

(From X::Temporal::InvalidFormat)

formatter method

(From Dateish)

free-memory method

(From Kernel)

freeze method

(From Pair)

from method

(From List, Match, CompUnit, X::IO::Copy, X::IO::Rename, X::IO::Move)

from-list method

(From Supply)

from-loop method

(From Seq)

from-posix method

(From Instant)

from-slurpy method

(From X::AdHoc)

full method

(From Backtrace)

full-barrier sub

(From Thread)

gcd infix

(From Operators)

ge infix

(From Operators)

generate_mixin method

(From Metamodel::Mixins)

get routine, method

(From IO::Socket, IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle, IO::Socket::INET)

get_value method

(From Attribute)

getc method, routine

(From IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

gist method, routine

(From Systemic, List, ForeignCode, Attribute, Sequence, Complex, Junction, Date, Mu, Version, Submethod, Exception, Backtrace, Array, Nil, Blob, Map, IO::Path, IO::Handle)

got method

(From X::OutOfRange, X::TypeCheck)

grab method

(From Supply, Baggy, Setty)

grabpairs method

(From Baggy, Setty)

grep routine, method

(From List, Supply, Any, HyperSeq, RaceSeq)

gt infix

(From Operators)

handle method

(From X::Proc::Async::CharsOrBytes, X::Proc::Async::TapBeforeSpawn)

handled method

(From Failure)

handles trait, method

(From Type system, IO::CatHandle)

hardware method

(From Kernel)

has_accessor method

(From Attribute)

hash method

(From Capture, Any, Baggy, Match, QuantHash)

head method

(From List, Supply, Any)

headers method

(From Pod::Block::Table)

hh-mm-ss method

(From DateTime)

hidden method

(From Metamodel::MultipleInheritance)

hides trait, method

(From Type system, Metamodel::MultipleInheritance)

hostname method

(From Kernel)

hour method

(From DateTime)

how method

(From X::Parameter::Default)

hyper method

(From Iterable, HyperSeq, RaceSeq)

i term, postfix

(From Terms, Complex)

id method

(From Thread, Compiler)

illegal method

(From X::ControlFlow)

im method

(From Complex)

in method

(From Promise)

in-timezone method

(From DateTime)

indent method

(From Str)

index routine

(From Str, Cool)

indices method

(From Str)

indir sub

(From Independent routines)

infinite method

(From Range)

infix method

(From X::Syntax::InfixInTermPosition)

infix:<**> sub

(From Complex)

infix:<*> sub

(From Range)

infix:<+> sub

(From Range, Date, DateTime)

infix:<-> sub

(From Range, Date, DateTime)

infix:</> sub

(From Range)

infix:<cmp> sub

(From Range)

infix:<eqv> method

(From Match)

infix:«!=» sub

(From DateTime)

infix:«<=>» sub

(From DateTime)

infix:«<=» sub

(From DateTime)

infix:«<» sub

(From DateTime)

infix:«==» sub

(From DateTime)

infix:«>=» sub

(From DateTime)

infix:«>» sub

(From DateTime)

infix:«cmp» sub

(From DateTime)

install method

(From CompUnit::Repository::Installation)

install_method_cache method

(From Metamodel::Primitives)

instead method

(From X::Syntax::Reserved)

int-bounds method

(From Range)

interval method

(From Supply)

invalid-str method

(From X::Temporal::InvalidFormat)

invert routine, method

(From List, Any, HyperSeq, Baggy, RaceSeq, Pair, Map)

invocant method

(From Parameter, X::Method::InvalidQualifier)

is trait, sub

(From Traits, Test)


(From Routine)

is cached trait

(From Routine)

is default trait

(From Routine)

is dynamic trait

(From Variable)

is export trait

(From Routine, Mu)

is hidden-from-backtrace trait

(From Routine)

is nodal trait

(From Type system)

is pure trait

(From Routine)

is raw trait

(From Routine)

is required trait

(From Type system)

is rw trait

(From Type system, Routine)

is-absolute method

(From IO::Path, IO::Spec::Cygwin, IO::Spec::Unix, IO::Spec::Win32)

is-approx sub

(From Test)

is-approx-calculate sub

(From Test)

is-deeply sub

(From Test)

is-hidden method

(From Backtrace::Frame)

is-initial-thread method

(From Thread)

is-int method

(From Range)

is-lazy method

(From HyperSeq, RaceSeq, Seq, Iterator)

is-leap-year method

(From Dateish)

is-prime routine

(From Int)

is-relative method

(From IO::Path)

is-routine method

(From Backtrace::Frame)

is-setting method

(From Backtrace::Frame)

is-win method

(From Distro)

isNaN method

(From Complex, Rational)

is_approx sub

(From Test)

is_composed method

(From Metamodel::EnumHOW)

is_mixin method

(From Metamodel::Mixins)

is_trusted method

(From Metamodel::Trusting)

is_type method

(From Metamodel::Primitives)

isa routine

(From Mu)

isa-ok sub

(From Test)

isnt sub

(From Test)

item sub, method

(From Any, Mu)

iterator method

(From Iterable, Any, HyperSeq, Mu, PositionalBindFailover, RaceSeq, Seq)

join routine, method

(From List, Any, Thread, IO::Spec::Cygwin, IO::Spec::Unix, IO::Spec::Win32)

keep method

(From Promise)

kept method

(From Promise)

key method

(From Enumeration, Pair, X::Syntax::NegatedPair)

keyof method

(From Hash, Associative, QuantHash)

keys routine, method

(From List, Capture, Any, Baggy, Setty, Pair, Map)

kill method

(From Proc::Async)

kv routine, method

(From List, Capture, Any, Baggy, Setty, Enumeration, Pair, Map)

kxxv method

(From Baggy)

l method

(From IO::Special, IO::Path)

lang method

(From X::Eval::NoSuchLang)

last method

(From Label)

lastcall sub

(From Method)

later method

(From Date, DateTime)

lazy method

(From Iterable)

lc routine

(From Str, Cool)

lcm infix

(From Operators)

le infix

(From Operators)

leading method

(From Pod::Block::Declarator)

leg infix

(From Operators)

let prefix

(From Variables, Operators)

level method

(From Pod::Item, Pod::Heading)

like sub

(From Test)

line method

(From Code, CallFrame, X::Comp, Backtrace::Frame)

lines method, routine

(From Supply, Str, Cool, IO::CatHandle, IO::Path, IO::Handle, IO::Socket::INET)

link routine

(From IO::Path)

list method

(From Capture, Supply, Range, Any, PositionalBindFailover, Buf, Channel, Backtrace, Match, Blob, Map)

listen method

(From IO::Socket::Async)

live method

(From Supply)

lives-ok sub

(From Test)

load method

(From CompUnit::Repository, CompUnit::Repository::Installation, CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem)

load-repo-id method

(From CompUnit::PrecompilationRepository)

load-unit method

(From CompUnit::PrecompilationRepository)

loaded method

(From CompUnit::Repository, CompUnit::Repository::Installation, CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem)

local method

(From DateTime)

lock method

(From Lock, IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle, Lock::Async)

log routine

(From Numeric, Cool)

log10 routine

(From Numeric, Cool)

lookup method

(From Metamodel::ClassHOW, Metamodel::MethodContainer)

lsb routine

(From Int)

lt infix

(From Operators)

made method

(From Match)

make method

(From Match)

map routine, method

(From List, Supply, Any, HyperSeq, RaceSeq, Backtrace)

match method

(From Str, Cool, Cool)

max infix, method

(From Operators, Supply, Range, Any)

maxpairs method

(From Any, Setty)

merge method

(From Supply)

message method

(From Exception, X::NYI, X::StubCode, CX::Last, CX::Take, CX::Redo, CX::Emit, CX::Succeed, CX::Return, CX::Next, CX::Done, CX::Proceed)

message Defined as: sub

(From X::DateTime::TimezoneClash)

meta method

(From Distribution, Pod::FormattingCode, Distribution::Hash, Distribution::Path)

method method

(From X::Method::NotFound, X::Method::InvalidQualifier, X::Proc::Async::OpenForWriting, X::Proc::Async::MustBeStarted, X::Method::Private::Unqualified, X::Method::Private::Permission)

method_table method

(From Metamodel::MethodContainer)

methods method

(From Metamodel::MethodContainer)

migrate method

(From Supply)

min infix, method

(From Operators, Supply, Range, Any)

minmax infix, method

(From Operators, Supply, Range, Any)

minpairs method

(From Any, Setty)

minute method

(From DateTime)

misplaced method

(From X::Parameter::WrongOrder)

mix sub

(From Mix)

mixin method

(From Metamodel::Mixins)

mixin_attribute method

(From Metamodel::Mixins)

mkdir sub

(From Independent routines, IO::Path)

mod infix

(From Operators)

mode method

(From IO::Special, IO::Path, X::IO::Mkdir)

modified method

(From IO::Special, IO::Path)

month method

(From Dateish)

move routine

(From IO::Path)

mro method

(From Metamodel::C3MRO)

mro_unhidden method

(From Metamodel::C3MRO)

msb routine

(From Int)

multi method

(From Routine)

multiness method

(From X::Anon::Multi)

my method

(From CallFrame)

name method

(From Systemic, Routine, Scalar, ForeignCode, Attribute, Variable, Thread, Label, Encoding, Parameter, Metamodel::Naming, Encoding::Registry, X::Attribute::NoPackage, X::Attribute::Required, X::Attribute::Package, X::Bind::NativeType, X::Dynamic::NotFound, X::IO::Link, X::IO::Symlink, X::Signature::NameClash, Pod::Block::Named)

named method

(From Parameter)

named_names method

(From Parameter)

narrow method

(From Numeric)

native-descriptor method

(From IO::Socket, IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle, IO::Socket::Async, IO::Socket::Async::ListenSocket)

nativecast sub

(From Native calling interface)

nativesizeof sub

(From Native calling interface)

ne infix

(From Operators)

need method

(From CompUnit::Repository, CompUnit::Repository::Installation, CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem)

new method

(From Complex, Junction, Date, Mu, Supplier, Version, Thread, Semaphore, ComplexStr, Proc, Backtrace, Proxy, DateTime, Uni, IntStr, NumStr, Pair, Seq, Nil, RatStr, Rational, Blob, Failure, Map, X::NYI, Supplier::Preserving, Metamodel::PackageHOW, Distribution::Hash, Distribution::Path, Proc::Async, CX::Warn, IO::Special, IO::CatHandle, IO::Path, Telemetry::Sampler, IO::Socket::INET, IO::Path::Cygwin, IO::Path::Unix, IO::Path::Win32, IO::Path::QNX)

new-from-daycount method

(From Date)

new-from-pairs method

(From Baggy, Setty)

new-unit method

(From CompUnit::PrecompilationRepository)

new_type method

(From Metamodel::ClassHOW, Metamodel::EnumHOW, Metamodel::PackageHOW)

next method

(From Label)

next-handle method

(From IO::CatHandle)

next-interesting-index method

(From Backtrace)

nextcallee sub

(From Functions)

nextsame sub

(From Functions)

nextwith sub

(From Functions)

nice method

(From Backtrace)

nl-in method

(From IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

nl-out method

(From Any, IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

nodemap method

(From Any)

nok sub

(From Test)

none method

(From Any)

norm method

(From Rational)

not prefix, method

(From Operators, Mu)

notandthen infix

(From Operators)

note routine

(From Independent routines)

now term, method

(From Terms, DateTime)

nude method

(From Rational)

numerator method

(From Rational)

of method, trait

(From Code, Hash, Scalar, Variable, Associative, Array, QuantHash, Positional)

offset method

(From DateTime)

offset-in-hours method

(From DateTime)

offset-in-minutes method

(From DateTime)

ok sub

(From Test)

old method

(From X::Obsolete)

on-close method

(From Supply)

on-switch method

(From IO::CatHandle)

one method

(From Any)

open sub, method

(From Independent routines, IO::CatHandle, IO::Path, IO::Handle)

opened method

(From IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

operation method

(From X::TypeCheck)

optional method

(From Parameter)

or infix

(From Operators)

ord routine

(From Str, Cool)

ords method, routine

(From Str, Nil, Cool)

orelse infix

(From Operators)

orig method

(From Match)

os-error method

(From X::OS)

osname method

(From VM)

out-buffer method

(From IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

outer-caller-idx method

(From Backtrace)

pack sub

(From Blob)

package method

(From Routine, Attribute, X::Augment::NoSuchType)

package-kind method

(From X::Attribute::Undeclared, X::Attribute::Package, X::Augment::NoSuchType, X::Anon::Augment)

package-name method

(From X::Attribute::Undeclared)

packages method

(From X::Package::Stubbed)

pair method

(From Enumeration)

pairs routine, method

(From List, Capture, Any, Baggy, Pair, Map)

pairup method

(From Any)

parameter method

(From X::Parameter::Twigil, X::Parameter::Placeholder, X::Parameter::Default, X::Parameter::WrongOrder, X::Parameter::MultipleTypeConstraints)

params method

(From Signature)

parent method

(From IO::Path, X::Inheritance::Unsupported)

parent-name method

(From X::Inheritance::NotComposed)

parents method

(From Metamodel::MultipleInheritance)

parse method

(From Grammar)

parse-base routine

(From Str)

parse-names routine

(From Str)

parsefile method

(From Grammar)

parts method

(From Version, IO::Path)

pass sub

(From Test)

path method

(From Cool, Proc::Async, IO::CatHandle, IO::Pipe, IO::Handle, X::IO::Rmdir, X::IO::Dir, X::IO::Mkdir, X::IO::Unlink, X::IO::DoesNotExist, X::IO::Chdir, IO::Spec::Unix, IO::Spec::Win32)

path-sep method

(From Distro)

payload method

(From X::AdHoc)

peer-host method

(From IO::Socket::Async)

peer-port method

(From IO::Socket::Async)

periods routine

(From Telemetry)

perl method, routine

(From Range, Complex, Junction, Mu, Rat, FatRat, IO::Path, IO::Path::Cygwin, IO::Path::Unix, IO::Path::Win32, IO::Path::QNX)

permutations routine, method

(From List, Any)

phaser method

(From X::Phaser::PrePost)

pi term

(From Terms)

pick routine, method

(From List, Range, Any, Baggy, Bool, Setty, Enumeration)

pickpairs method

(From Baggy, Setty)

pid method

(From Proc, Proc::Async)

placeholder method

(From X::Placeholder::Block, X::Signature::Placeholder)

plan sub

(From Test)

plus method

(From Version)

polar method

(From Complex)

poll method

(From Channel)

polymod method

(From Int, Real)

pop method, routine

(From Buf, Array)

pos method

(From Match, X::Str::Numeric)

positional method

(From Parameter)

posix method

(From DateTime)

postfix method

(From X::Redeclaration)

postmatch method

(From Match)

precomp-ext method

(From VM)

precomp-target method

(From VM)

precompiled method

(From CompUnit)

pred routine, method

(From Bool, Date, Enumeration, Str, Numeric, IO::Path)

prefix method

(From VM, Distribution::Locally)

prematch method

(From Match)

prepend method

(From Any, Buf, Array, Nil)

primary method

(From Collation)

print method, sub

(From Mu, Independent routines, Proc::Async, IO::Socket, IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle, IO::Socket::Async)

print-nl method

(From IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

print-to method

(From IO::Socket::Async)

printf routine, method

(From Independent routines, IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

private method

(From X::Method::NotFound)

private_method_table method

(From Metamodel::PrivateMethodContainer)

proc method

(From IO::Pipe, X::Proc::Unsuccessful, X::Proc::Async)

produce routine, method

(From List, Supply, Any)

promise method

(From X::Promise::Vowed, X::Promise::CauseOnlyValidOnBroken)

prompt sub

(From Independent routines)

protect method

(From Lock, Lock::Async)

protect-or-queue-on-recursion method

(From Lock::Async)

publish_method_cache method

(From Metamodel::MROBasedMethodDispatch)

pull-one method

(From Iterator)

push method, routine

(From Hash, Any, Buf, Array, Nil)

push-all method

(From Iterator)

push-at-least method

(From Iterator)

push-exactly method

(From Iterator)

push-until-lazy method

(From Iterator)

put method, sub

(From Mu, Independent routines, IO::Socket, IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

qualifier-type method

(From X::Method::InvalidQualifier)

quaternary method

(From Collation)

quit method

(From Supplier)

r method

(From IO::Special, IO::Path)

race method

(From Iterable, HyperSeq, RaceSeq)

radix method

(From X::Syntax::Number::RadixOutOfRange)

rand term, method, routine

(From Terms, Range, Num, Real, Cool)

range method

(From X::OutOfRange)

raw method

(From Parameter)

re method

(From Complex)

read method

(From IO::Socket, IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

read-bits method

(From Blob)

read-int128 method

(From Blob)

read-int16 method

(From Blob)

read-int32 method

(From Blob)

read-int64 method

(From Blob)

read-int8 method

(From Blob)

read-num32 method

(From Blob)

read-num64 method

(From Blob)

read-ubits method

(From Blob)

read-uint128 method

(From Blob)

read-uint16 method

(From Blob)

read-uint32 method

(From Blob)

read-uint64 method

(From Blob)

read-uint8 method

(From Blob)

readchars method

(From IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

readonly method

(From Attribute, Parameter)

ready method

(From Proc::Async)

reallocate method

(From Buf)

reals method

(From Complex)

reason method

(From X::Str::Numeric, X::Numeric::Real)

rebless method

(From Metamodel::Primitives)

receive method

(From Channel)

recv method

(From IO::Socket)

redispatcher method

(From X::NoDispatcher)

redo method

(From Label)

reduce routine, method

(From List, Supply, Any)

rel2abs method

(From IO::Spec::Cygwin, IO::Spec::Unix, IO::Spec::Win32)

relative method

(From IO::Path)

release method

(From Semaphore, Kernel, Compiler, Distro)

rename routine

(From IO::Path)

repeated method, routine

(From Any, Independent routines)

replacement method

(From X::Obsolete)

repo method

(From CompUnit)

repo-id method

(From CompUnit)

report routine

(From Telemetry)

required method

(From Attribute)

reserved method

(From X::Syntax::Reserved)

resolve method

(From CompUnit::Repository, IO::Path, CompUnit::Repository::Installation, CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem)

restore method

(From Routine::WrapHandle)

result method

(From Promise)

resume method

(From Exception)

rethrow method

(From Exception)

return method

(From Mu)

return-rw method

(From Mu)

returns method

(From Signature)

reverse routine, method

(From List, Supply, Range, Any, Mix, Blob)

right method

(From X::Parameter::Placeholder)

rindex routine

(From Str, Cool)

rmdir routine

(From IO::Path)

role method

(From X::Role::Initialization)

roles_to_compose method

(From Metamodel::RoleContainer)

rolish method

(From X::Mixin::NotComposable)

roll routine, method

(From List, Mixy, Range, Any, Baggy, Bool, Setty, Enumeration)

rootdir method

(From IO::Spec::Unix, IO::Spec::Win32)

roots method, routine

(From Numeric, Cool)

rotate routine

(From List)

rotor method

(From List, Supply, Any)

round method, routine

(From Complex, Real, Cool)

roundrobin routine

(From List)

routine-type method

(From X::Anon::Multi)

run sub, method

(From Independent routines, Thread)

rw method

(From Attribute, Parameter, Metamodel::AttributeContainer, IO::Path)

rwx method

(From IO::Path)

s method

(From IO::Special, IO::Path)

samecase routine

(From Cool)

samemark routine

(From Str)

samewith sub

(From Functions)

say method, sub

(From Mu, Independent routines, Proc::Async, IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

schedule-on method

(From Supply)

scheduler method

(From Promise)

scope method

(From X::Declaration::Scope, X::Syntax::Variable::Twigil)

sec routine

(From Cool)

sech routine

(From Cool)

second method

(From DateTime)

secondary method

(From Collation)

seek method

(From IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

self term, method

(From Terms, Mu, Failure)

send method

(From Channel)

serial method

(From Any, HyperSeq, RaceSeq)

set sub

(From Set)

set-instruments method

(From Telemetry::Sampler)

set_api method

(From Metamodel::Versioning)

set_auth method

(From Metamodel::Versioning)

set_composalizer method

(From Metamodel::EnumHOW)

set_export_callback method

(From Metamodel::EnumHOW)

set_hidden method

(From Metamodel::MultipleInheritance)

set_is_mixin method

(From Metamodel::Mixins)

set_mixin_attribute method

(From Metamodel::Mixins)

set_name method

(From Metamodel::Naming)

set_package method

(From Metamodel::Primitives)

set_rw method

(From Metamodel::AttributeContainer)

set_value method

(From Attribute)

set_ver method

(From Metamodel::Versioning)

set_why method

(From Metamodel::Documenting)

setup_finalization method

(From Metamodel::Finalization)

setup_mixin_cache method

(From Metamodel::Mixins)

shape method

(From Array)

share method

(From Supply)

shell sub, method

(From Independent routines, Proc)

shift method, routine

(From Buf, Array)

short-id method

(From CompUnit::Repository::Installation, CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem)

short-name method

(From CompUnit)

sibling method

(From IO::Path)

sigil method

(From Parameter)

sign method

(From Real, Cool)

signal sub, method

(From Supply, Kernel, Proc)

signals method

(From Kernel)

signature method

(From Systemic, Code, ForeignCode)

sin routine

(From Cool)

sinh routine

(From Cool)

sink method

(From List, HyperSeq, RaceSeq, Proc, Seq)

sink-all method

(From Iterator)

skip method, sub

(From Supply, Any, Seq, Test)

skip-at-least method

(From Iterator)

skip-at-least-pull-one method

(From Iterator)

skip-one method

(From Iterator)

skip-rest sub

(From Test)

sleep sub

(From Date)

sleep-timer sub

(From Date)

sleep-until sub

(From Date)

slip sub

(From Slip)

slurp sub, method, routine

(From Independent routines, IO::CatHandle, IO::Path, IO::Handle)

slurp-rest method

(From IO::Handle)

slurpy method

(From Parameter)

snap routine

(From Telemetry)

snapper routine

(From Telemetry)

so prefix, method

(From Operators, Bool, Mu)

socket-host method

(From IO::Socket::Async, IO::Socket::Async::ListenSocket)

socket-port method

(From IO::Socket::Async, IO::Socket::Async::ListenSocket)

sort routine, method

(From List, Supply, Any, Map)

source method

(From X::Str::Numeric, X::Numeric::Real)

source-package method

(From X::Method::Private::Permission)

spawn method

(From Proc)

splice method, routine

(From Buf, Array)

split routine, method

(From Str, Cool, IO::CatHandle, IO::Path, IO::Handle, IO::Spec::Cygwin, IO::Spec::Unix, IO::Spec::Win32)

splitdir method

(From IO::Spec::Unix, IO::Spec::Win32)

splitpath method

(From IO::Spec::Cygwin, IO::Spec::Unix, IO::Spec::Win32)

sprintf routine

(From Independent routines)

spurt sub, method

(From Independent routines, IO::Path, IO::Handle)

sqrt method, routine

(From Complex, Numeric, Cool)

squish method, routine

(From Supply, Any, Independent routines)

srand sub

(From Num)

stable method

(From Supply)

start method

(From Supply, Promise, Thread, Proc::Async)

started method

(From Proc::Async)

starts-with method

(From Str)

status method

(From Promise, X::Promise::CauseOnlyValidOnBroken)

stderr method

(From Proc::Async)

stdout method

(From Proc::Async)

store-file method

(From CompUnit::PrecompilationRepository)

store-repo-id method

(From CompUnit::PrecompilationRepository)

store-unit method

(From CompUnit::PrecompilationRepository)

sub_signature method

(From Parameter)

subbuf method

(From Blob)

subbuf-rw method, routine

(From Buf, Buf)

subname method

(From Backtrace::Frame)

subparse method

(From Grammar)

subst method

(From Str, Cool)

subst-mutate method

(From Str)

substr routine

(From Str, Cool)

substr-eq method

(From Str)

substr-rw method, routine

(From Str, Cool)

subtest sub

(From Test)

succ routine, method

(From Bool, Date, Enumeration, Str, Numeric, IO::Path)

sum routine, method

(From List, Range, Any)

summary method

(From Backtrace)

symbol method

(From X::Undeclared, X::Redeclaration, X::Export::NameClash, X::Caller::NotDynamic)

symlink routine

(From IO::Path)

t method

(From IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

tail method

(From List, Supply, Any)

take method, routine

(From Mu, Mu)

take-rw routine

(From Mu)

tan routine

(From Cool)

tanh routine

(From Cool)

tap method

(From Supply)

target method

(From Match, X::Mixin::NotComposable, X::Temporal::InvalidFormat, X::Numeric::Real, X::IO::Link, X::IO::Symlink)

target-name method

(From X::Composition::NotComposable)

tau term

(From Terms)

tc routine

(From Str, Cool)

tclc routine

(From Str, Cool)

tell method

(From IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle)

temp prefix

(From Variables, Operators)

term method

(From Pod::Defn)

term:<> term

(From Syntax)

tertiary method

(From Collation)

then method

(From Promise)

throttle method

(From Supply)

throw method

(From Exception)

throws-like sub

(From Test)

time term

(From Terms)

timezone method

(From DateTime)

tmpdir method

(From IO::Spec::Cygwin, IO::Spec::Unix, IO::Spec::Win32)

to method

(From List, Match, X::IO::Copy, X::IO::Rename, X::IO::Move)

to-posix method

(From Instant)

today method

(From Date)

todo sub

(From Test)

toggle method

(From Any)

total method

(From Mixy, Baggy, Setty)

total-memory method

(From Kernel)

trailing method

(From Pod::Block::Declarator)

trans method

(From Str, Cool)

tree method

(From Any)

trim method, routine

(From Str, Cool)

trim-leading method, routine

(From Str, Cool)

trim-trailing method, routine

(From Str, Cool)

truncate method, routine

(From Complex, Real, Cool)

truncated-to method

(From Date, DateTime)

trusts trait, method

(From Type system, Metamodel::Trusting)

try_acquire method

(From Semaphore)

trying method

(From X::IO::DoesNotExist)

twigil method

(From Parameter, X::Parameter::Twigil, X::Syntax::Variable::Twigil)

type method

(From Attribute, Parameter, Pod::FormattingCode, X::Does::TypeObject, X::Bind::Slice)

type_captures method

(From Parameter)

typename method

(From X::Assignment::RO, X::Method::NotFound)

uc routine

(From Str, Cool)

udp method

(From IO::Socket::Async)

uncaught_handler method

(From Scheduler)

undefine sub

(From Independent routines)

unicmp infix

(From Operators)

unimatch routine

(From Cool)

uniname routine

(From Cool)

uninames routine

(From Cool)

uninstall method

(From CompUnit::Repository::Installation)

uniparse routine

(From Str)

uniprop routine

(From Cool)

uniprops sub

(From Cool)

unique method, routine

(From Supply, Any, Independent routines)

unival routine, method

(From Int, Str)

univals method

(From Str)

unlike sub

(From Test)

unlink routine

(From IO::Path)

unlock method

(From Lock, IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle, Lock::Async)

unpack method

(From Blob)

unpolar routine, method

(From Independent routines, Cool)

unshift method, routine

(From Any, Buf, Array, Nil)

unwrap method

(From Routine)

updir method

(From IO::Spec::Unix)

use-ok sub

(From Test)

utc method

(From DateTime)

val routine

(From Str)

value method

(From Enumeration, Pair)

values routine, method

(From List, Capture, Any, Baggy, Setty, Pair, Map)

variable method

(From X::Syntax::NoSelf)

ver method

(From Metamodel::Versioning)

verbose-config method

(From Compiler)

version method

(From Systemic, CompUnit)

volume method

(From IO::Path)

vow method

(From Promise)

w method

(From Proc::Async, IO::Special, IO::Path)

wait method

(From Supply)

warn sub

(From Exception)

watch method

(From IO::Path)

watch-path method

(From IO::Notification)

week method

(From Dateish)

week-number method

(From Dateish)

week-year method

(From Dateish)

weekday-of-month method

(From Dateish)

what method

(From X::Undeclared, X::Redeclaration, X::OutOfRange, IO::Special, X::Cannot::Lazy, X::Syntax::Malformed, X::Syntax::Missing, X::Syntax::Variable::Numeric)

when method

(From X::Obsolete)

whole-second method

(From DateTime)

why method

(From X::Attribute::Required)

with-lock-hidden-from-recursion-check method

(From Lock::Async)

wordcase routine

(From Str, Cool)

words method, routine

(From Supply, Str, Cool, IO::CatHandle, IO::Path, IO::Handle)

workaround method

(From X::NYI)

wrap method

(From Routine)

write method

(From Proc::Async, IO::Socket, IO::CatHandle, IO::Handle, IO::Socket::Async)

write-bits method

(From Buf, Buf)

write-int128 method

(From Buf, Buf)

write-int16 method

(From Buf, Buf)

write-int32 method

(From Buf, Buf)

write-int64 method

(From Buf, Buf)

write-int8 method

(From Buf, Buf)

write-num32 method

(From Buf, Buf)

write-num64 method

(From Buf, Buf)

write-to method

(From IO::Socket::Async)

write-ubits method

(From Buf, Buf)

write-uint128 method

(From Buf, Buf)

write-uint16 method

(From Buf, Buf)

write-uint32 method

(From Buf, Buf)

write-uint64 method

(From Buf, Buf)

write-uint8 method

(From Buf, Buf)

x infix, method

(From Operators, IO::Special, IO::Path)

xor infix

(From Operators)

xx infix

(From Operators)

yada method

(From Routine)

year method

(From Dateish)

yield method

(From Thread)

yyyy-mm-dd method

(From Dateish)

z method

(From IO::Path)

zip routine, method

(From List, Supply)

zip-latest method

(From Supply)

{ } term, postcircumfix

(From Operators, Operators)

| prefix, infix

(From Operators, Operators)

|| infix

(From Operators)

~ prefix, infix

(From Operators, Operators, Junction)

~& infix

(From Operators)

~< infix

(From Operators)

~> infix

(From Operators)

~^ prefix, infix

(From Operators, Operators)

~| infix

(From Operators)

~~ infix

(From Operators)

« » postcircumfix

(From Operators)

π term

(From Terms)

τ term

(From Terms)


(From Sets, bags, and mixes, Terms)


(From Sets, bags, and mixes, Operators)


(From Sets, bags, and mixes, Operators)


(From Operators)


(From Operators)


(From Operators)


(From Operators)


(From Sets, bags, and mixes, Operators)


(From Sets, bags, and mixes, Operators)


(From Sets, bags, and mixes, Operators)


(From Sets, bags, and mixes, Operators)


(From Scalar, atomicint)

⚛++ postfix

(From atomicint)

⚛+= infix

(From atomicint)

⚛-- postfix

(From atomicint)

⚛-= infix

(From atomicint)

⚛= infix

(From Scalar, atomicint)

⚛−= infix

(From atomicint)

𝑒 term

(From Terms)