method from

Documentation for method from assembled from the following types:

class List

From List

(List) method from

Assumes the list contains Match objects and returns the value of .from called on the first element of the list.

'abcdefg' ~~ /(c)(d)/;
say $/.list.from;         # OUTPUT: «2␤» 
"abc123def" ~~ m:g/\d/;
say $/.list.from;         # OUTPUT: «3␤»

class Match

From Match

(Match) method from

Returns the index of the starting position of the match.

class CompUnit

From CompUnit

(CompUnit) method from

method from(--> Str:D)

Returns the name of the language with which the CompUnit object was created (if any). It will be Perl6 by default.

class X::IO::Copy

From X::IO::Copy

(X::IO::Copy) method from

Returns the source of the failed copy operation

class X::IO::Rename

From X::IO::Rename

(X::IO::Rename) method from

Returns the source of the failed rename operation

class X::IO::Move

From X::IO::Move

(X::IO::Move) method from

Returns the source of the failed move operation