method fail

Documentation for method fail assembled from the following types:

class Exception§

From Exception

(Exception) method fail§

Defined as:

multi sub    fail(*@text)
multi sub    fail(Exception $e)
method fail(Exception:D:)

Exits the calling Routine and returns a Failure object wrapping the exception $e - or, for the *@text form, an X::AdHoc exception constructed from the concatenation of @text. If the caller activated fatal exceptions via the pragma use fatal;, the exception is thrown instead of being returned as a Failure.

# A custom exception defined 
class ForbiddenDirectory is Exception {
    has Str $.name;
    method message { "This directory is forbidden: '$!name'" }
sub copy-directory-tree ($dir{
    # We don't allow for non-directories to be copied 
    fail "$dir is not a directory" if !$dir.IO.d;
    # We don't allow 'foo' directory to be copied too 
    fail$dir)) if $dir eq 'foo';
    # or above can be written in method form as: 
    #$dir)).fail if $dir eq 'foo'; 
    # Do some actual copying here 
# A Failure with X::AdHoc exception object is returned and 
# assigned, so no throwing Would be thrown without an assignment 
my $result = copy-directory-tree("cat.jpg");
say $result.exception# OUTPUT: «cat.jpg is not a directory␤» 
# A Failure with a custom Exception object is returned 
$result = copy-directory-tree('foo');
say $result.exception# OUTPUT: «This directory is forbidden: 'foo'␤»

class Channel§

From Channel

(Channel) method fail§

Defined as:

method fail(Channel:D: $error)

Closes the Channel (that is, makes subsequent send calls die), and enqueues the error to be thrown as the final element in the channel. Method receive will throw that error as an exception. Does nothing if the channel has already been closed or .fail has already been called on it.

my $c =;
$"Bad error happens!");
CATCH { default { put .^name''.Str } };
# OUTPUT: «X::AdHoc: Bad error happens!␤»