class Capture

Argument list suitable for passing to a Signature

class Capture { }

A Capture is a container for passing arguments to a code object. Captures are the flip-side of Signatures – Captures are the caller defined arguments, while Signatures are the callee defined parameters.

When you call print $a, $b, the $a, $b part is a Capture.

Captures contain a list-like part for positional arguments and a hash-like part for named arguments, thus behaving as Positional and Associative, although it does not actually mixes in those roles. For the named arguments, Captures use a slightly different syntax than a normal List. There are two easy ways to make a named argument: 1) use an unquoted key naming a parameter, followed by =>, followed by the argument and 2) use a colon-pair literal named after the parameter:

say unique 1-223as => { abs $_ };   # OUTPUT: «(1 -2 3)␤» 
# ... is the same thing as: 
say unique 1-223:as({ abs $_ });    # OUTPUT: «(1 -2 3)␤» 
# Be careful not to quote the name of a named parameter: 
say unique 1-223'as' => { abs $_ };
# OUTPUT: «(1 -2 2 3 as => -> ;; $_? is raw { #`(Block|78857320) ... })␤»

A stand-alone Capture can also be made, stored, and used later. A literal Capture can be created by prefixing a term with a backslash \. Commonly, this term will be a List of terms, from which any Pair literal will be placed in the named part, and all other terms will be placed in the positional part.

my $c = \(42);          # Capture with one positional part 
$c = \(12=> 'b'); # Capture with two positional and one named parts

To use such a Capture, you may use '|' before it in a function call, and it will be as if the values in the Capture were passed directly to the function as arguments – named arguments will be passed as named arguments and positional arguments will be passed as positional arguments. You may re-use the Capture as many times as you want, even with different functions.

my $c = \(423);
reverse(|$c).say# OUTPUT: «3 2 4␤» 
sort(5,|$c).say;  # OUTPUT: «2 3 4 5␤»

Inside a Signature, a Capture may be created by prefixing a sigilless parameter with a vertical bar |. This packs the remainder of the argument list into that parameter.

f(123=> 4=> 5);
sub f($a|c{
    # c  is  \(2, 3, a => 4, b => 5) 

Note that Captures are still Lists in that they may contain containers, not just values:

my $b = 1;
my $c = \(42$b3);
sort(|$c).say;        # OUTPUT: «1 2 3 4␤» 
$b = 6;
sort(|$c).say;        # OUTPUT: «2 3 4 6␤»


method list

Defined as:

method list(Capture:D:)

Returns the positional part of the Capture.

my Capture $c = \(235apples => (red => 2));
say $c.list;                                      # OUTPUT: «(2 3 5)␤»

method hash

Defined as:

method hash(Capture:D:)

Returns the named/hash part of the Capture.

my Capture $c = \(235apples => (red => 2));
say $c.hash# OUTPUT: «␤»

method elems

Defined as:

method elems(Capture:D: --> Int:D)

Returns the number of positional elements in the Capture.

my Capture $c = \(235apples => (red => 2));
say $c.elems;                                  # OUTPUT: «3␤»

method keys

Defined as:

multi method keys(Capture:D: --> Seq:D)

Returns a Seq containing all positional keys followed by all named keys. For positional arguments the keys are the respective arguments ordinal position starting from zero.

my $capture = \(235apples => (red => 2));
say $capture.keys;                             # OUTPUT: «(0 1 2 apples)␤»

method values

Defined as:

multi method values(Capture:D: --> Seq:D)

Returns a Seq containing all positional values followed by all named argument values.

my $capture = \(235apples => (red => 2));
say $capture.values;                           # OUTPUT: «(2 3 5 red => 2)␤»

method kv

Defined as:

multi method kv(Capture:D: --> Seq:D)

Returns a Seq of alternating keys and values. The positional keys and values, if any, comes first followed by the named keys and values.

my $capture = \(23apples => (red => 2));
say $capture.kv;                                  # OUTPUT: «(0 2 1 3 apples red => 2)␤»

method pairs

Defined as:

multi method pairs(Capture:D: --> Seq:D)

Returns all arguments, the positional followed by the named, as a Seq of Pairs. Positional arguments have their respective ordinal value, starting at zero, as key while the named arguments have their names as key.

my Capture $c = \(23apples => (red => 2));
say $c.pairs;                                     # OUTPUT: «(0 => 2 1 => 3 apples => red => 2)␤»

method antipairs

Defined as:

multi method antipairs(Capture:D: --> Seq:D)

Returns all arguments, the positional followed by the named, as a Seq of pairs where the keys and values have been swapped, i.e. the value becomes the key and the key becomes the value. This behavior is the opposite of the pairs method.

my $capture = \(23apples => (red => 2));
say $capture.antipairs;                           # OUTPUT: «(2 => 0 3 => 1 (red => 2) => apples)␤»

method Bool

Defined as:

method Bool(Capture:D: --> Bool:D)

Returns True if the Capture contains at least one named or one positional argument.

say \(1,2,3apples => 2).Bool;                   # OUTPUT: «True␤» 
say \().Bool;                                     # OUTPUT: «False␤»

method Capture

Defined as:

method Capture(Capture:D: --> Capture:D)

Returns itself, i.e. the invocant.

say \(1,2,3apples => 2).Capture# OUTPUT: «\(1, 2, 3, :apples(2))␤»

method Numeric

Defined as:

method Numeric(Capture:D: --> Int:D)

Returns the number of positional elements in the Capture.

say \(1,2,3apples => 2).Numeric;                # OUTPUT: «3␤»

Type Graph

Type relations for Capture
perl6-type-graph Capture Capture Any Any Capture->Any Mu Mu Any->Mu Cool Cool Cool->Any Match Match Match->Capture Match->Cool Grammar Grammar Grammar->Match

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