routine Int

Documentation for routine Int assembled from the following types:

class List

From List

(List) method Int

Defined as:

method Int(List:D: --> Int:D)

Returns the number of elements in the list (same as .elems).

say (1,2,3,4,5).Int# OUTPUT: «5␤»

enum Bool

From Bool

(Bool) routine Int

multi method Int(Bool:D --> Int:D)

Returns the value part of the enum pair.

say False.Int;                                # OUTPUT: «0␤» 
say True.Int;                                 # OUTPUT: «1␤»

role Enumeration

From Enumeration

(Enumeration) method Int

Defined as:

multi method Int(::?CLASS:D:)

Takes a value of an enum and returns it after coercion to Int:

enum Numbers ( cool => '42'almost-pi => '3.14'sqrt-n-one => 'i' );
say cool.Int;           # OUTPUT: «42␤» 
say almost-pi.Int;      # OUTPUT: «3␤» 
try say sqrt-n-one.Int;
say $!.message if $!;   # OUTPUT: «Cannot convert 0+1i to Int: imaginary part not zero␤»

Note that if the value cannot be coerced to Int, an exception will be thrown.

class Str

From Str

(Str) method Int

Defined as:

method Int(Str:D: --> Int:D)

Coerces the string to Int, using the same rules as Str.Numeric.

class Numeric

From Numeric

(Numeric) method Int

method Int(Numeric:D: --> Int:D)

If this Numeric is equivalent to a Real, return the equivalent of calling truncate on that Real to get an Int. Fail with X::Numeric::Real otherwise.

class IntStr

From IntStr

(IntStr) method Int

method Int

Returns the integer value of the IntStr.

class StrDistance

From StrDistance

(StrDistance) method Int

Defined as:

multi method Int(StrDistance:D:)

Returns the distance between the string before and after the transformation.

class Match

From Match

(Match) method Int

Defined as:

method Int(Match:D: --> Int:D)

Tries to convert stringified result of the matched text into Int.

say ('12345' ~~ /234/).Int;       # OUTPUT: «234␤» 
say ('12345' ~~ /234/).Int.^name# OUTPUT: «Int␤» 
# the next line produces a warning about using Nil (result of a no match) in numeric context 
say ('one-two' ~~ /234/).Int;     # OUTPUT: «0␤» # because Nil.Int returns 0

role Rational

From Rational

(Rational) method Int

Defined as:

method Int(Rational:D: --> Int:D)

Coerces the invocant to Int by truncating non-whole portion of the represented number, if any. If the denominator is zero, will fail with X::Numeric::DivideByZero.

class Map

From Map

(Map) method Int

Defined as:

method Int(Map:D: --> Int:D)

Returns the number of pairs stored in the Map (same as .elems).

my $m ='a' => 2'b' => 17);
say $m.Int;                                       # OUTPUT: «2␤»

class IO::Path

From IO::Path

(IO::Path) method Int

Defined as:

method Int(IO::Path:D: --> Int:D)

Coerces .basename to Int. Fails with X::Str::Numeric if base name is not numerical.