class Telemetry::Instrument::Usage
Instrument for collecting getrusage data
0.1 | Useful readings |
1 | Type Graph |
Note: This class is a Rakudo-specific feature and not standard Raku.
Objects of this class are generally not created by themselves, but rather through making a snapshot.
Useful readings
This class provides the following generally usable readings (in alphabetical order):
The total amount of CPU time (in microseconds), essentially the sum of cpu-user
and cpu-sys
The number of microseconds of CPU used by the system.
The number of microseconds of CPU used by the user program.
The number of CPU's active, essentially cpu
divided by wallclock
The maximum resident set size (in KiB).
Percentage of CPU utilization, essentially 100 * cpus
/ number of CPU cores.
The time the program has been executing (in microseconds).
Less useful readings
The following readings may or may not contain sensible information, mostly depending on hardware and OS being used. Please check your local getrusage
documentation for their exact meaning:
name getrusage struct name==== =====================max-rss ru_maxrssix-rss ru_ixressid-rss ru_idrssis-rss ru_isrssminf ru_minfltmajf ru_majfltnswp ru_nswapinb ru_inblockoutb ru_oublockmsnd ru_msgsndmrcv ru_msgrcvnsig ru_nsignalsvolcsw ru_nvcswinvcsw ru_nivcsw
Type Graph