Brief introduction

Using Raku official documentation

Documenting a large language like Raku has to balance several contradictory goals, such as being brief whilst being comprehensive, catering to professional developers with wide experience whilst also being accessible to newcomers to the language.

For a quick hands-on introduction, there is a short annotated programming example.

For programmers with experience in other languages, there are a number of Migration guides that compare and contrast the features of Raku with other languages.

A number of Tutorials cover several areas in which Raku is particularly innovative. The section headers should help navigate the remaining documents.

There are a number of useful resources listed elsewhere on the site. These include articles, books, slide presentations, and videos.

It has been found that newcomers to Raku often ask questions that indicate assumptions carried over from other programming paradigms. It is suggested that the following sections in the Fundamental topics section should be reviewed first.